News & Press


Democratic Candidates Call on Governor Kemp to Expand Scope of Special Session to Pass Medicaid Expansion Amidst Public Health Emergency


March 16, 2020

Atlanta — Today, 4 Democratic state senate candidates and 15 Democratic state house candidates from across the state called on Governor Kemp to expand the scope of the emergency legislative session to pass full Medicaid expansion.


Former Democratic Voter Protection Director Responds to Presidential Primary Postponement; Calls For Immediate All Mail Ballot Election Effort

March 14, 2020

MARIETTA - In response to the postponement of Georgia's presidential preference primary, Democratic candidate for HD-45, Sara Tindall Ghazal said,

“While the decision to put off the Presidential Preference Primary to May 19 is sensible given the current public health emergency, the Secretary of State and the Governor have an obligation to guarantee access to the ballot and reassure voters that every vote will be counted–particularly given the crisis of confidence in our election system. 

The state must immediately implement an all-mail ballot election for the upcoming primary on May 19.