Every Georgian deserves a safe and affordable place to live. And yet, affordable housing in our state is becoming increasingly scarce.
Throughout House District 45, long standing members of our community are being priced out of their neighborhoods. Low, moderate, and fixed-income families face rising housing prices. The people who work in and serve our district should be able to live here. When families cannot afford basic housing, that negatively impacts our entire community—from health care and the economy, to education, traffic, safety, and much more.
As representative of State House District 45, I will work to:
Create a tax credit to promote affordable housing set-asides for low- and moderate-income households.
Increase support for down-payment assistance programs for first-time home buyers.
Promote public-private partnerships to provide housing for populations made vulnerable by unfair policies, including veterans.
Increase the minimum wage in Georgia to increase purchasing power for Georgia workers.